Lexicographic Analysis: Bibliometric Research Related to Physical Exercise and Post-COVID-19 Rehabilitation


COVID-19 is an infectious disease, with a wide variety of manifestations, from asymptomatic cases to mild to moderate clinical conditions, to the presence of severe and critical cases, with acute respiratory infections and multiple organ dysfunction with possible death. After hospital discharge, patients often need rehabilitation, due to the decrease in physical functions and persistent symptoms, such as: shortness of breath and excessive fatigue, so that physical exercise has been used as an adjuvant treatment by multidisciplinary teams. The objective of this study was to identify in the literature the forms of rehabilitation with the practice of physical exercises in post-COVID-19 patients. For this purpose, a literature review was initially carried out in the PubMed database in the period 2020 and 2021. 460 articles were identified and, after the eligibility criteria were met, 30 articles were selected for bibliometric and lexicographic analysis using the Iramuteq software. It is concluded that the physical exercise of stretching, aerobic and resistance exercises, respecting the physical conditions of the patient, should be used within the post-COVID-19 rehabilitation as a treatment of sequelae in post-hospitalization patients for the disease, contributing to the improvement of their quality of life.

Keywords: Rehabilitation, COVID-19, Physical activity


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Author Biographies

José Ricardo Lourenço de Oliveira,


Silvia Regina Ribeiro,


Luiza Hermínia Gallo,


Heleise Faria dos Reis de Oliveira,


Ana Karoline Ligoski,


How to Cite
Oliveira, J. R. L. de, Ribeiro, S. R., Gallo, L. H., Oliveira, H. F. dos R. de, & Ligoski, A. K. (2023). Lexicographic Analysis: Bibliometric Research Related to Physical Exercise and Post-COVID-19 Rehabilitation. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 28(307), 191-203. https://doi.org/10.46642/efd.v28i307.3883
Review Articles