Sociodemographic Characterization of Users of Outdoor Sports Park in Portugal
Natural spaces are more sought by man, as a way of escaping the daily routines. Thus, there is a notable growth in Outdoor Sports. This study aimed to make a description and association of sociodemographic variables of Outdoor Sports practitioners in the one of the largest Outdoor Sports Park in Portugal. For data collection we used a questionnaire survey. As for the results found, the individuals between 26 and 35 years old, male, single, from the North of Portugal, with an education corresponding to Higher Education and with an individual monthly income between 500 and 1000 euros are those who most searched out the reported Outdoor Sports Park. The proportion of individuals aged up to 30 years is significantly higher among single individuals who earn up to 1000 euros per month. The proportion of individuals from the North of Portugal is significantly higher in individuals with training corresponding to Primary and Secondary Education and earning up to 1000 euros per month. The proportion of individuals who have Higher Education is significantly higher among individuals who earn more than 1000 euros per month. These results may allow the company that manages this Outdoor Sports Park to establish strategies to capture a target audience with less visible characteristics in this study and thus increase the Park's potential customers.
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