The Naturism: Dialogues about Body, Nature and Culture
The objective of this article is to present dialogues between body, nature, and culture in the condition of being a naturist and the contribution of these concepts to the expansion of knowledge about the body in Physical Education. The proposed objectives are met through the data obtained in discourse analysis. The analysis was built from the experiences of people who practice naturism on beaches, who answered a structured questionnaire with open questions. From the speeches found in the questionnaires, it is observed that the experience with Naturism was something significant, which demonstrates that it is linked to the culture of the individuals. It is considered, therefore, that from this experience people began to recognize their bodies as inherent in the nature that surrounds them. In Physical Education these concepts can contribute to the opening of other perspectives, by transforming lived experiences into new possibilities to extrapolate the culture and nature that surrounds us and that leads us to the construction of knowledge in a broad and meaningful way.
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