Assessment of Decision Making in Basketball 3 Versus 3 Category U15 Using Lince Software
A 3 versus 3 basketball reduced game test is used with a duration of 6 minutes, where a reduced 3 versus 2 game is performed, observing only the offensive game, later they play 3 versus 3 where the defensive actions are incorporated into the analysis. The objective is to analyze the decisional aspects (actions) within the U15 category, quantify and characterize them. The data was collected through video recordings, and analyzed using the Lince software, applying an evaluation test validated in previous research, enriched by qualitative data collected through questionnaires to parents and players. The data analysis resulted in the presence of a greater number of actions in subjects of the second year of the category and also that the number of actions of subjects born in the first half of the year is greater. The Pass obtained the highest percentage with more than 30%, followed by the unmarking with 18.22%, while the launch 12.98%. Conclusion: The subjects who present an average of actions above the average, considered to have a greater number of good decisions, present a greater number of parents who have performed or specifically perform basketball, as well as a greater number of parents who have at least performed some sport. In the U15 category, greater play without the ball was observed, which is related to the uncheck item.
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