Promoting Equity and Diversity through the Physical Education Curriculum
Physical Education is one of the only subjects where students can be physically active and socialize with their peers. It’s not a secret that when children and youth participate in a Physical Education class, they show many good behaviors but also inappropriate ones, like making fun of others because of how they look, perform, think, dress, communicate, or because of where others come from. Literature has demonstrated that when physical educators take the time to teach and promote social skills, students improve their behaviors and become more socially aware of diversity, equity, and inclusion. For this reason, this article aims to provide Physical Education teachers with a practical idea of promoting equity, diversity, and inclusion by implementing a thematic academic calendar focused on diversity. Also, to clarify some concepts related to social justice and diversity that teachers should be familiar with to implement this idea. Finally, share steps to develop and implement a thematic academic calendar focused on diversity in the Physical Education class.
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