Assistive Technology and Adapted Physical Activity. Integrative Literature Review


Assistive Technology (AT) consists of a set of resources and services that help to provide or expand functional abilities of people with disabilities (PWD). Using AT in Adapted Physical Activity (APA) is established in democratizing opportunities for PWD to access diversified physical and sports activity programs. This study aimed to analyze publications on the "Assistive Technology and Adapted Physical Activity" interface for PWD. From a qualitative perspective, an exploratory-descriptive study was performed, characterized as bibliographic research. An integrative literature review was carried out using the search term “Assistive Technology” and “Physical Education” or “Physical Activity” or “Sport” in four databases: Medline, Scopus, SciELO and Web of Science. Content analysis was used as a form of data processing, dividing the results into three categories: Resources and auxiliary devices for transportation in sports; Electronic devices and games, mobile technologies (applications and software) and virtual sports learning environments; Diversified technological resources applied to sports. It was concluded that most resources in AT are aimed at PWD and mobility difficulties, prevailing the occurrence of technological resources of high sophistication and low economic accessibility.

Keywords: Assitive technology, Adapted physical activity, Disability


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Author Biographies

Rita de Cássia Almeida Pavão,

Mey de Abreu Van Munster,

How to Cite
Pavão, R. de C. A., & Van Munster, M. de A. (2023). Assistive Technology and Adapted Physical Activity. Integrative Literature Review. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 27(298), 197-219.
Review Articles