Possibilities of pedagogical intervention in mathematics education through cooperation and mediated evaluation

  • Helena Brandão Viana UNASP
  • Janne Márcia Silva Rocha UNASP-HT
  • Evodite Gonçalves Amorim Carvalho UNASP-HT


This article aims to analyze in Mathematics the possibilities of intervention in favor of assimilation of knowledge through methodological approach of cooperative learning and mediated evaluation. The research proposed mediated evaluation as a learning opportunity. It was part of the research five classes of eighth-grade in a private school, located in a small city in São Paulo in which interviews were applied to one hundred forty-nine students. The results show that the group activities motivated the students in learning contents of achieving better performance and exercising a cooperative citizenship. The evaluation resulted in a mediated proximal and affective teacher-student relationship, bringing security and tranquility at the time of evaluation

Keywords: Mathematics, Cooperation, Mediated evaluation
How to Cite
Brandão Viana, H., Rocha, J. M. S., & Carvalho, E. G. A. (2018). Possibilities of pedagogical intervention in mathematics education through cooperation and mediated evaluation. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 22(236), 2-7. Retrieved from https://efdeportes.com/efdeportes/index.php/EFDeportes/article/view/35
Research Articles