Different Training Methods on Power and Explosive Strength of Volleyball Athletes

Systematic Review of Clinical Trial Studies


Volleyball is a sport that requires the athlete to have a level of physical conditioning within an integral training that is planned and continuous, aiming at the characteristics of the game and the athlete. The objective of this study was to verify the effects of training methods on physical performance related to the power and explosive strength of volleyball athletes in the period from 2015 to 2022. This research was carried out through the systematic review of scientific production, governed by PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyzes). The databases used were: Google Scholar, Scielo, and PubMed. The terms used were "Plyometrics and Volleyball", "HIIT and/or volleyball" and/or "Bodybuilding and/or volleyball" in English, Spanish and Portuguese. Seven clinical articles were selected in the research for the isolated and/or combined plyometric method, there were five articles, and it was possible to affirm positive changes in muscle power, explosive strength and other variables, the HIIT with one and resistance training (RT) method with one article showed positive results for the specific strength variables for volleyball athletes. The plyometrics alone and/or combined with other methods had the largest number of studies in this research, presenting positive results for explosive strength and power, among other variables.

Keywords: Volleyball, Athletic performance, Physical exercice


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Author Biographies

Cézar Felipe dos Santos Pacheco,


Rodrigo Gomes de Souza Vale,


Maria de Nazaré Dias Bello,


Olivar de Souza Martins,


Claudio Joaquim Borba Pinheiro,


How to Cite
Pacheco, C. F. dos S., Vale, R. G. de S., Bello, M. de N. D., Martins, O. de S., & Pinheiro, C. J. B. (2024). Different Training Methods on Power and Explosive Strength of Volleyball Athletes: Systematic Review of Clinical Trial Studies. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 28(310), 197-213. https://doi.org/10.46642/efd.v28i310.3336
Review Articles