HIIT Training to Enhance VO2 max in Marines on Small Vessels
Introduction: During the last decade, high intensity interval training, mostly known as HIIT, has been positioned in the different sports training as a healthy alternative at a cardio-muscular level, standing out mainly in the rapid increase in VO2 max in athletes who perform these workouts. Despite its great utility, at present there is no program for its application in small vessel seafarers. Objective: To enhance VO2 max in sailors of smaller vessels, using HIIT training. Methods: descriptive-correlational research, selecting under a non-probabilistic intentional sampling 70 marine from smaller boats (male gender; 35-38 years old), who will undergo HIIT training, assessing their aerobic capacity in two moments. Results: There are notable improvements in the time used to complete the 2-mile test in post-test favor (Pretest: 16:54 minutes, Posttest: 15:20 minutes; p=0.000), significantly increasing VO2 max in the second moment of test implementation (Pretest: 29.19, Posttest: 38.66; p=0.000). Conclusions: Interval training demonstrated favorable results to significantly improve VO2 max in marine of small vessels, demonstrating potential for the aerobic endurance development, assuming that the usual methods of conditioning in naval deliveries can be changed. However, in the future it is recommended to establish quasi-experimental research with independent groups, which will determine whether HIIT in comparison with the traditional Ecuadorian marine training method to enhance aerobic endurance capacity, optimizes to a greater or equal degree.
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