Paulista Handball Championship: the Presence of Women in Handball Coaching Staffs in 2019


Gender and sport studies are increasingly relevant in modern society. The objective of this study was to verify the participation of women in the function of handball coaches in the regional context of São Paulo and to discuss the female representation in leadership positions in the sports environment considering the academic literature. The research method used was content analysis, characterized by the evaluation of public information through a systematic procedure to quantify and classify the data in categories. Public information was collected from the São Paulo Handball Federation to assess gender representativeness in the competition's technical commissions. It was identified ninety-eight participating teams, forty-five female and fifty-three male. However, in the technical commissions, the data suggest a wide male predominance. The verification of information of this nature is essential for the adoption of affirmative actions for gender equality. From the results, it is concluded that despite the balance of female and male sports participation in the competition, there is no such similarity in the technical commissions.

Keywords: Sport, Gender, Female coach, Female representation, Leadership


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Author Biographies

Isabela Guido Pereira,

Ana Lúcia Padrão dos Santos,

How to Cite
Pereira, I. G., & Santos, A. L. P. dos. (2023). Paulista Handball Championship: the Presence of Women in Handball Coaching Staffs in 2019. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 27(298), 2-16.
Research Articles