The Relationship between Psychological Stress and Injury Risk in Young Soccer Players. A Systematic Review
Within soccer, a number of both intrinsic and extrinsic factors may expose athletes to injury. Recent studies have shown that among these conditions, psychological stressors can lead to several complications. No review articles were found that analyzed the relationship between psychological stress and risk of injury in soccer athletes of this age group. The objective of this systematic review is to identify and discuss studies that relate psychological stressors to the risk of injury in young soccer athletes and the main stressors related to this risk. A computerized search of the entire PubMed, Cochrane and Virtual Health Library (VHL) Libraries was conducted to identify relevant articles. Only four studies were included, their analysis demonstrates that four main stressors would explain 23% of injuries. Regarding the occurrence of injuries, it is associated with the high level of daily boredom and lower decreases of daily boredom. Moreover, implementation of psychosocial programs may be effective in reducing injuries of young soccer athletes. Psychological stress can play a role in the presence of disease in athletes. The present study demonstrates that injuries in young soccer athletes have a strong relationship with psychological factors and are associated with other illnesses.
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