Use of Dietary Supplements among Brazilian Surfers
Surfing is a sport that has become increasingly popular worldwide, and it was one of the competitive disciplines in the Tokyo Olympic Games. Despite the increased interest in mapping the supplement intake profile of athletes, there is a gap in knowledge about its use among surfers. The aim of this study was to map the dietary supplements intake of Brazilian surfers, establishing the type of supplements they consume and their sources of information/counseling, as well as to understand the reasons for using the supplements in relation to the characteristics of the sport. This is a cross-sectional study, in which an adapted questionnaire on habits and perceptions about supplementation, containing 31 questions, was applied to Brazilian adult surfers. Of the 19 surfers interviewed, 68.4% were male, with an average age of 24.7 (SD=5.4) years. The results show the athletes in this study have a higher intake of supplements than found in other studies with surfers, although six athletes did not use any type of supplement. Among those who reported use (n=13), the most cited supplements were whey protein, creatine and branched chain amino acid (BCAA). There was no association between the intake of supplements and competing time, training load, sex, education or being counseled by a nutritionist. Regardless some inconsistencies in the reasons given for using the supplements were observed, nutritionists and coaches/physical trainers were the most frequent and reliable sources of information about decision-making regarding the use of supplements.
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