The VAR from the Perspective of the 5 E's Model: Possibilities for Understanding Contemporary Soccer


The quest to reduce the incidence of refereeing errors led soccer governing bodies to introduce the Video Assistant Referee (VAR). The introduction of this technological aid for refereeing decisions has brought new implications to contemporary soccer. This theoretical essay aims to demonstrate the operation of VAR and its implementation in Brazilian soccer, present the Analytical Model of the 5 E's proposed by Wanderley Marchi Júnior and then, based on the literature produced on the subject, discuss the possible impacts that the insertion of this technological aid tool has caused in soccer based on this model of analysis of contemporary sport. Based on the proposed reflections, we suggest that the impacts of VAR extend beyond the four lines that delimit the field of play.

Keywords: Soccer, Video Assistant Referee, Analytical Model 5 E's, Technology


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Author Biographies

Bruno Boschilia,

Wanderley Marchi Júnior,

How to Cite
Boschilia, B., & Marchi Júnior, W. (2021). The VAR from the Perspective of the 5 E’s Model: Possibilities for Understanding Contemporary Soccer. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 26(282), 2-16.