Online Education in University Students. A Study in Puebla, Mexico


Since in Mexico and particularly in the university, the success factors of e-learning are not known. The aim of this study was to know the weights of the factors and the dimensions of e-learning. 252 questionnaires were sent by email to students of the Degree in Physical Culture of the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, México; Only 63 were answered. For the analysis of these surveys, the Hierarchical Analytical Process was used, to obtain the weight of the Critical Success Factors of e-learning, which means knowing the importance of these, and their relationships using the analysis of principal components. The results indicated that the instructors carry more weight than the students and that the relationship between students and other students has no weight. Concluding that the weights of the factors and of the dimensions of e-learning show a referent that previously did not exist locally for its pedagogical orientation.

Keywords: Online education, Students, University


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How to Cite
Buendia-Lozada, E. R. P., Morales Lorenzana, L., & Castillo Diaz, D. (2021). Online Education in University Students. A Study in Puebla, Mexico. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 26(278), 27-40.
Research Articles