Possibilities and Limits of Teaching Sports from the Critical-Overcoming Perspective

A Field Study


Qualitative research characterized as a field study, it aimed to investigate possibilities and limitations of the sport teaching process, consisting of training, preparation of a didactic unit and evaluation of pedagogical practice, systematized from the perspective foundations. Critical-Overcoming and the dialectical method of teaching. The data were obtained through the transcription of the interviews carried out during the formative meetings and the evaluation of the pedagogical practice. For the organization and inference of the data, the Content Analysis technique was used. The analysis of the information made it possible to observe that the teachers demonstrated technical capacity related to the treatment of knowledge and the didactic-methodological process for teaching sports from a critical perspective, however, they were resistant to the implementation of the Critical-Overcoming proposition. In addition, even though they identified the influences related to school standardization and organization, they did not show resistance to the interferences arising from such situations. Therefore, in order for teachers to implement sports education from a critical perspective and confront the interferences arising from normalization and school organization, it is necessary to guarantee broad, continuous and substantiated training based on critical theory. It is also necessary to value the moments of diagnostic, judicial and teleological reflection on the educational context in which the pedagogical practice develops, thus making it possible to treat the knowledge and the didactic-methodological process for teaching sports in a way that contributes to facing the problems socio-political-cultural from the capitalist society.

Keywords: Physical Education, Pedagogy, Teaching, Sports


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How to Cite
Ramos, L. M., & Maffei, W. S. (2021). Possibilities and Limits of Teaching Sports from the Critical-Overcoming Perspective: A Field Study. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 26(276), 139-153. https://doi.org/10.46642/efd.v26i276.2628
Case Study (Clinical)