Challenges for Recruiting New Basketball Players: a Case Study in a Sports Club


This study deals with the process of training new players in Brazilian sports clubs, considering the difficulties faced in the composition of their teams. The objective was to understand the challenges for a sports club to attract new players to its process of sports formation in a collective modality. This is a qualitative, exploratory research and the method used was a case study carried out in a club in Belo Horizonte, in the male basketball department. Data were collected from documents available on the club's website, from its bylaws, from an interview with the director and from a questionnaire with the basketball coaches. As a result, it was possible to see the greatest difficulties faced by the club in composing the training teams, including financing, integration with families and the educational system. In addition, it highlighted the need for management qualification to make it capable of proposing a sports training process that is attractive to adolescents, as well as promoting the updating of teaching and training methods, to pacify, qualify and enhance relationships with families, schools and federations in the way to creating an annual and predictable calendar of events suited to the ages and levels of new athletes.

Keywords: Sports, Clubs, Players, Basketball


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Author Biographies

Daniel Marangon Duffles Teixeira,

Eric Renan Bandeira de Melo,

How to Cite
Teixeira, D. M. D., & Melo, E. R. B. de. (2022). Challenges for Recruiting New Basketball Players: a Case Study in a Sports Club. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 26(286), 155-168.
Case Study (Clinical)