Effects of Exercise on the Immune System, Cancer and COVID-19: An Integrative Review
Investigating up-to-date scientific information of the effects of physical exercise on the immune system, cancer and COVID-19 is the objective of this review. Method: an integrative review using as keywords: immunology, physical exercise, cancer, and COVID. The search took place between May 4, 2020, and July 31, 2020, on the Capes Portal, in the databases: Scielo, Medline, Lilacs, Pubmed, Science Direct and Bireme and the Google Scholar search engine, corresponding to the period between 2000 and 2020. The studies were classified by the subject company, peer-reviewed, in the languages: Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, and English. The inclusion criteria for articles, randomized clinical trial, systematic review, bibliographic review, book chapters, research experimental, and scientific chart investigating the effects of physical exercise on the immune system and cancer were used, and exclusion criteria were studies focused exclusively on nutritional, dental, and psychological aspects. Results: using the terms Immunology AND Physical Exercise AND Cancer, 1637 articles were found; when used: Immunology OR Physical Exercise AND Cancer, 8535 articles were found. When the term COVID was inserted, only 4 articles were found. For theoretical foundation, the 24 (twenty-four) most relevant publications were selected. Conclusions: the immune system is certainly stimulated by exercises of light and moderate intensity, and vigorous exercises effective to improve coping with cancer. Regular physical exercise should be encouraged in asymptomatic individuals from COVID-19. Immobility should be avoided, due to the risk of venous thromboembolism (VTE).
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