The Motivational Climate Assessment in School Physical Education
Understanding the teaching context is relevant so that Physical Education (PE) teachers can evaluate their practice, formulate their strategies and establish their didactic-pedagogical methods in order to enhance the learning of their students. In this direction, the aim of this article was to raise concepts and evidence about the assessment of the motivational climate in the teaching-learning context of the School PE. The method adopted was a narrative bibliographic review. From the point of view of assessing the teaching-learning environment, PE teachers need to understand that the teaching context is interwoven with beliefs, values and judgments by which students mark their ideals of need and goals. Some instruments such as TARGET and the Learning Climate Questionnaire (LCQ) can subsidize the motivational climate assessments in PE classes and serve as a support for teachers to reflect on their methods. The evidence found in the surveys pointed out that the motivational climate created for the task is what promotes greater progress in skills and satisfaction with teaching practices in students, as well as a greater level of interest in classes and commitment to the established learning goals. It is concluded that from the knowledge of the motivational climate for the task PE teachers can reevaluate their practice, delve into motivational concepts and apply them in their classroom routine, in order to improve their techniques, skills and better evaluate your students.
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