Effects of Compression Stockings on the Intermittent Performance of Futsal Players
Background: The use of compression stockings with the objective of optimizing performance has become popular, but there are still many questions to be asked as to whether they have ergogenic capacity. Objective: To acutely evaluate the use of compression stockings (CS) on the intermittent YoYo endurance test 2 (YoYoIE2) and physiological indicators in footballers. Methods: Eight female soccer players performed the YoYoIE2 in a crossed and random way using CS or control socks (CON). Results: The distance covered in YoYoIE2 did not differ (p=0.11) between MC (827.5 ± 350 meters) and CON (655 ± 237 meters), but the effect size was moderate (0.60). The 75% individual performance was higher using CS than CON. Subjective perception of recovery, lactate at rest and post-test, peak heart rate (HR), recovery HR and subjective perception of effort did not differ (p>0.05) between CS and CON. Conclusion: The use of CS during intermittent exercise can have an ergogenic effect when considering the size of the moderate effect and individual responses. However, CS do not seem to influence physiological and intensity indicators associated with YoYoIE2.
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