Improvement in driving technique, hitting and receiving for players soccer in the initiation

  • Gonzalo Bladimir Gallardo Carbo Unidad Educativa Provincia del Cañar
  • Walter Ricardo García Vélez Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral (ESPOL)
  • Ronald Alberto Feraud Cañizares Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral (ESPOL)
  • Carlos Alberto Paredes Echeverría Unidad Educativa Velasco Ibarra


The teaching-learning process in sports has an essential didactic component, the approach to the reality of the game in the modeling of the content of the preparation of the athlete could improve the process of acquisition and improvement of specific motor skills in the initiation soccer player. In this sense, the objective to investigate is to perfecting the driving techniques, ball hitting and receiving in soccer players of Club Ases de Duran, category U-12. The population of 25 players of formative soccer, category sub 12 of the Club Ases of Duran is studied, taking into account the technical level of each player (Driving, Hitting and Reception). Additionally, 10 soccer specialists will be studied, who will establish some variables of interest in the preliminary diagnosis of the investigation, as well as for the determination of the concordance index to evaluate the methodology used. The teaching-learning process was significantly improved, both in the driving technique, as well as in hitting and receiving, demonstrating that the methodological strategy has been positive when applying the 14 physical exercises based on the similarities of the soccer game.

Keywords: Teaching-learning methodology, Driving technique, Hitting tecnique, Reception tecnique, Iniciation soccer
How to Cite
Gallardo Carbo, G. B., García Vélez, W. R., Feraud Cañizares, R. A., & Paredes Echeverría, C. A. (2019). Improvement in driving technique, hitting and receiving for players soccer in the initiation. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 24(251), 42-61. Retrieved from
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