Relationship between Absenteeism in the Physical Education class, Level of Satisfaction and Being Physicaly Active

  • Jorge Enrique García Universidad Nacional de Catamarca - Instituto Superior de Educación Física
  • José Carlos Cuevas García Universidad de Extremadura
  • Gastón César García Instituto Superior de Formación Docente. San Rafael, Mendoza


Introduction: The sedentary levels in our country are increasing year after year. This may be due to lack of adherence to physical activity. The objective of this work was related absenteeism to physical education classes (APCE) with satisfaction levels (BPNES) and the intention to perform physical activity in the future (IPAF). Material and Method: 214 high school students participated from 11 schools province of Catamarca, Argentina. The APCE, was taken last year from the students. Surveys were used; levels of satisfaction of basic psychological needs (BPNES), and future Intensiveness of being physically active (IPAF). Results: 21,8±8,9 classes of Physical Education were recorded, an absenteeism of 34,4±25,9%, SL 4,3±0,8 and IPAF 3,9±0,8. There were statistically significant differences between the number of classes taught between private and state schools (25±7 versus 17±8), % APCE between private and state schools (23±20% versus 47±25%), and APCE among students that they did not practice sports and what they did (42±30% versus 31±24%). It was demonstrated that the % APCE obtained a statistically significant association with IPAF (0.70) and BPNES (0.65) and when the level of absenteeism was greater than 70% this association was higher being for IPAF (0.95) and BPNES (0.96). Conclusion: The APCE of high school students who participated, is related to low levels of satisfaction, and with little intention of being physically active. Adherence to physical education classes, at the secondary level, is affected by motivation factors.

Keywords: Physical Education, Adherence, Motivation


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How to Cite
García, J. E., Cuevas García, J. C., & García, G. C. (2019). Relationship between Absenteeism in the Physical Education class, Level of Satisfaction and Being Physicaly Active. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 24(259), 33-48. Retrieved from
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