Gaming Trends: How they are Transforming our World
The gaming industry has seen exponential growth, driven by technological advancements such as artificial intelligence (AI), virtual reality (VR), and blockchain. These innovations have transformed gaming into immersive and social experiences, offering a wide range of options for players of all ages. Mobile gaming has democratized access to video games, while VR and augmented reality (AR) have created unprecedented virtual worlds. AI has improved character intelligence and narrative, and blockchain has introduced new forms of digital ownership. However, this rapid growth also poses challenges such as addiction and privacy. Despite these challenges, the future of gaming looks bright, with emerging technologies promising to take entertainment to new levels.
Martín de Santos, I. (2023). Realidad virtual, aumentada e inmersiva en los videojuegos desde la perspectiva económica [Documento de Trabajo. Departamento de Administración Financiera y Contabilidad, Universidad Complutense de Madrid].
Rincón, A.R.F., Ortuño, P.A.H., y Esparcia, A.C. (2021). Eventos en la industria de los videojuegos. Estudio del caso Fortnite. Zer: Revista de estudios de comunicación / Komunikazio ikasketen aldizkaria, 26(51).
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