Pressure Pain Tolerance Threshold in Women Practicing Classic versus Sedentary Ballet


The exercise can interfere with the issue of pain perception. The objective of this study was to compare the pressure pain threshold in women practicing classical ballet versus those who are sedentary. To develop the research, an observational cross-sectional study was chosen in which 15 women aged between 18-45 years, ballet practitioners and 15 sedentary women participated. All the stages of this study were carried out in academies of dance and in the dependences of the university policlinic. The volunteers did evaluation of pressure pain threshold (PPT) with the algometer positioned in the points: vast medial, vast side, tendon patellar, erectors of the spine in the lumbar region at the level of the vertebral segment L4-L5, paravertebral, origin of the plantar fascia, average of the plantar fascia, first metatarsus and the fifth metatarsus. The data were analyzed using the SigmaStat statistical package and for comparison of the data between the groups, the t test for unpaired data or the Mann-Whitney test was used. Resulted: The results showed that the practicing women of ballet presented classic in all the points analyzed, bigger values of PPT what the group of the sedentary respected women, nevertheless, only paravertebral right and left, and the vast left medial they presented statistically significant differences. Conclusions: Practicing women of ballet present bigger PPT regarding sedentary women, nevertheless you punish two evaluated points: muscles paravertebral left/right and vast left medial are statistically significant between the groups.

Keywords: Dancing, Pain, Pain threshold, Sedentarism


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Author Biographies

Jaqueline Leal Vieira,

Fábio Marcon Alfieri,

How to Cite
Vieira, J. L., & Alfieri, F. M. (2025). Pressure Pain Tolerance Threshold in Women Practicing Classic versus Sedentary Ballet. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 29(322), 118-129.
Research Articles