Perspectives on Ageism from a Sample of Older Adults Residing in Brazília, Federal District, Brazil


The study investigated perceptions of ageism, with the primary aim of identifying knowledge about the term "ageism" and the experiences of age discrimination among older adults participating in a physical exercise program at the Faculty of Physical Education of the University of Brasília, Federal District. The research, with a quantitative approach, was conducted through an online questionnaire, yielding 42 valid responses. The results indicate that 78.57% of participants were familiar with the term "ageism," while 21.43% had never heard of it. Additionally, 62.5% reported experiencing prejudice in various contexts, such as work, commerce, family environments, and healthcare services. These findings reinforce the prevalence of ageism and align with previous research, which identifies this form of discrimination at individual, interpersonal, and institutional levels. The study highlights the need for public policies and educational campaigns to combat ageism and promote an inclusive and dignified perspective on aging. Although Brazil has laws protecting older adults, such as the Statute of the Elderly and the National Health Policy for Older Adults, the implementation of these regulations remains slow, compromising the effectiveness of these actions. The study concludes that intergenerational actions and awareness campaigns are essential to ensure respect and inclusion of older adults in society.

Keywords: Ageism, Older adults, Federal Districts, Public policies, Healthy aging


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Author Biographies

Sabrina Fernandes Gonçalves,

Maria da Glória David Silva Costa,

Sandra Regina Gomes,

Marisete Peralta Safons,

How to Cite
Gonçalves, S. F., Costa, M. da G. D. S., Gomes, S. R., & Safons, M. P. (2025). Perspectives on Ageism from a Sample of Older Adults Residing in Brazília, Federal District, Brazil. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 29(322), 40-54.
Research Articles