Teacher Reflection in Physical Educators in Training
Reflection is a fundamental part of initial teacher training. It allows the design of activities and strategies for a practice centered on the process of the performance of those who apply it for a better performance. The objective of this study is to identify the factors associated with the process of teacher reflection in physical educators of the Benemérita Escuela Normal Veracruzana. It is a quantitative, cross-sectional, exploratory and observational study, with a self-administered questionnaire, with precoded questions. The information analysis was carried out in SPSS vers. 23. The results of the factors associated with teacher reflection: Originally from Xalapa (0.020); high socioeconomic level (0.074); economically dependent (0.0001); parent or guardian with a bachelor's degree or higher (0.0004); and that they carry out an activity that pays them financially (0.003). In Mantel Haenszel's X² test, a p value of 0.0351 was found. Reflection is a fundamental part of initial teacher training and allows the design of activities and strategies and gives the development of teacher reflection great importance in their educational training.
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