Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders in Employees of an Educational Institution
Introduction: Work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) are multifactorial conditions that affect the musculoskeletal system, resulting in dysfunction and physical limitations. Objective: To assess the prevalence of WMSD in employees of an educational institution in southern Brazil. Methods: Five self-administered questionnaires were administered, covering sociodemographic characteristics, musculoskeletal disorders, physical activity level (PAL), quality of life (QOL) and quality of life at work (QOLW). Results: The study included 103 participants, with 35.9% male and 64.1% female. The prevalence of WMSD was highest in the lumbar (73.8%) and cervical (69.8%) regions, with the most frequent symptom intensity observed in the lumbar region (mean of 3.9). Regarding QOL, a low score was found in the vitality domain (59.13 ± 20.37), while functional capacity (83.35 ± 19.57) and limitations due to physical aspects (82.52 ± 29.04) showed higher scores. In terms of QOLW, the personal domain had the highest mean (4.25 ± 0.56), while the Physical/Health domain had the lowest mean (3.32 ± 0.40). As for PAL, 35.9% of participants were classified as active, while 6.8% were classified as sedentary. Conclusions: A high prevalence of WMSD was observed in the lumbar and cervical regions. Although QOL was generally satisfactory, vitality scores were found to be compromised. While most participants were classified as active, it is important to promote awareness regarding the role of physical activity in preventing musculoskeletal disorders and improving QOLW.
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