Subjective Emotional Experience in Motor Games in Terrestrial and Aquatic environments


The aim of this study was to analyse the intensity of the subjective emotional experience, from a gender perspective, in motor games played on terrestrial and in the aquatic environments, in psychomotor situations, in Physical Education sessions in Primary Education. The design was descriptive with a post-test, with a combination of quantitative and qualitative methodology, in a natural context. The students were chosen through non-probabilistic sampling for ease of access and intentionality, respecting the ecology in the distribution of the participants in each group-class. The data was collected using the Games and Emotions Scale for Children and the Pictorial Children's Effort Rating Table. It is concluded that the dominant emotions are positive, that students graphically express their dominant emotions linked to the association of elements of the two logics and that there is a relationship between quantitative and qualitative written information, both verbally and graphically.

Keywords: Emotions, Terrestrial environment, Aquatic environment


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How to Cite
Argudo-Iturriaga, F. M., & Ruiz-Lara, E. (2024). Subjective Emotional Experience in Motor Games in Terrestrial and Aquatic environments. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 29(317), 2-19.
Research Articles