The Profile and Behavior of the Runner in the Face of COVID-19 Morbidities
This study sought to assess the profile and behavior of street runners in the Passo Fundo region during the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. The aim was to analyze the behavior and profile of street runners during the COVID-19 pandemic in relation to their training and competition routines, describing all the precautions taken to maintain their physical and mental health. This is a qualitative, descriptive/exploratory field study carried out with 76 street runners. Data collection was done through an online questionnaire (Google Forms). The results indicate that 57% of the runners maintained ethical and healthy conduct, adopting practices such as social distancing and wearing a mask when necessary. The majority demonstrated concern for their health, maintaining a regular training routine, which was carried out on the streets, roads and gyms, despite the difficulties imposed by the pandemic. Furthermore, 23% of athletes who contracted COVID-19 had less severe effects compared to those who did not practice physical activities, highlighting the importance of exercise in maintaining health. Within this context, it is clear that incorporating physical exercise into the daily routine can be an important strategy for preventing and strengthening the respiratory system, reducing the risk of serious complications associated with the coronavirus.
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