Analysis of the Control of Technical-Tactical Preparation in Badminton


Badminton in Pinar del Río has promoted athletes to the national team due to sustained competitive results from 2019 to date. Regardless of this, they are affected by the poor determination of indicators for the control of technical-tactical preparation during training in game situations and in competitions. Despite this, in the last 5 years the province has remained among the top 3 places in the country, however, the points obtained in the pedagogical objectives do not correspond to the competitive results. The objective of this work is to analyze the control of the technical-tactical preparation of the badminton in Pinar del Río. This is contextualized in the School of School Sports Initiation of the province of Pinar del Río. It is based on a quantitative-qualitative approach, governed by the dialectical-materialistic method. Theoretical level methods such as the historical-logical and the analysis-synthesis were used, and from the empirical level, documentary analysis, observation and interview, to interpret the derivations obtained in each stage of the research. It has a scope that starts from the exploratory, descriptive level, until reaching an explanation of the phenomenon under investigation. The results reveal insufficiency in the control of the technical-tactical preparation of badminton players, as well as the scarce scientific production related to referential indicators for this process. From the study carried out, the need to establish indicators and parameters that allow estimating the performance level of badminton athletes in the different stages of preparation and in real game situations is concluded.

Keywords: Badminto, Control, Technical-tactical preparation


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How to Cite
Arencibia Moreno, A., & García Hernández, T. R. (2025). Analysis of the Control of Technical-Tactical Preparation in Badminton. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 29(320), 53-67.
Research Articles