Physical Conditioning, Nutritional Profile, Stress and Mood of College Athletes
A Systematic Review
The study highlights the importance of actively promoting health and quality of life among university students, especially athletes. However, the changes that occur during this phase of life, such as full-time study, research, internships, and sports practice, result in modifications in factors such as physical activity, stress, sleep, and nutrition, revealing impacts on quality of life. Given this context, this systematic review aims to analyze the scientific literature on the factors influencing health-related quality of life among university students, focusing on the impacts of physical activity, stress, sleep, and nutrition. The comprehensive methodology includes database search, screening, and full reading. Over 40 articles were analyzed, highlighting the relevance of nutrition, stress, and sleep. The results emphasize the importance of these factors for well-being, regardless of academic and sports trajectories. The conclusions point to the need to balance attention between athletes and the entire academic community, aiming for improvements in quality of life.
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