Effects of a Pilates Method Exercise Protocol on Workers with Nonspecific Low Back Pain


Introduction: Non-specific low back pain is a global public health problem. From this perspective, the Pilates method allows neuromuscular and myoarticular gains that can help in the management of this condition. Aim: To evaluate the effects of a Pilates exercise protocol on non-specific low back pain, flexibility, and quality of life in university employees. Methodology: This is a longitudinal, single-arm study, carried out at the Biomechanics and Ergonomics Laboratory, at the Universidade do Estado do Amazonas. The intervention had 12 sessions over 4 weeks lasting 40 minutes per class. The SF-36 and Roland Morris questionnaires were applied before and after the intervention to assess quality of life and low back pain, respectively. Manual goniometry was used to evaluate joint angles. To assess flexibility, the 3rd finger to the ground test (T3D), the combined rotation flexion, and the sit and reach test (Wells) were performed. For pre- and post-intervention comparisons, Student's t and Wilcoxon tests were used, adopting a significance level of 5%, with all analyses carried out using SPSS Software version 21. Results: After the intervention, a reduction in low back pain was observed (35%, p=0.007), improvement in quality of life in physical aspects (25.9%, p=0.01), pain and general health status (20.3%. p=0.04), increased range of motion of spinal flexion (12.6%, p=0.001) and hip (5.2%, p=0.03), and gain in flexibility (T3D: 39.4%, p=0.005; Wells: 16.4%; p=0.003). Conclusion: The protocol proposed here provided neuromuscular and myoarticular improvements in university employees.

Keywords: Training, Physical activity, Worker, Performance, Physical fitness, Mobility


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Author Biographies

Gabriela Sâmara Coelho de Souza,


Silas Nery de Oliveira,


Kaellen Almeida Scantbelruy,


Rodrigo Ghedini Gheller,


Jansen Atier Estrázulas,


How to Cite
Souza, G. S. C. de, Oliveira, S. N. de, Scantbelruy, K. A., Gheller, R. G., & Estrázulas, J. A. (2024). Effects of a Pilates Method Exercise Protocol on Workers with Nonspecific Low Back Pain. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 29(317), 103-119. https://doi.org/10.46642/efd.v29i317.7448
Research Articles