Use of Resources in Physical Education

Academic, Satisfaction and Ease of Use Analysis


The purpose was to develop an innovation in Physical Education (PE) through a quantitative approach that compared the use of text-based and media-based resources concerning academic performance, usability and satisfaction with the didactic unit, the methodology and the performance of the teacher. Following an experimental design, this research assigned upper-level high school participants (N=28) to text-based and media-based conditions. Measures of academic performance, usability and satisfaction were collected before and after the unit selected according to the correlational format. No significant differences were found regarding satisfaction (p = .65; p = .68) between conditions. Slightly significant differences were found regarding academic performance in both conditions (t = 91, p < .01; t = 105, p < .01). To add, media-based condition showed significant relationships related to teaching work satisfaction (rho = 0.67, p = .01) and usability (rho = 0.56, p = .04). The research concluded the no difference in satisfaction using media resources, but a slight increase in academic performance, an easy perception of media resources besides its high usability and a positive teaching work assessment due to the involvement of the figure.

Keywords: Physical Education, Innovation, Teaching, Video, Blog


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How to Cite
López Villalba, E. (2024). Use of Resources in Physical Education: Academic, Satisfaction and Ease of Use Analysis. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 29(315), 17-33.
Research Articles