Sportive Periodization with Peak of Performance. A Systematic Review
Peak of performance is defined as the athlete's optimal state of preparation. The objective of the systematic review was to present the studies related to sportive performance that detected the number of weeks that led to the peak of performance and the duration of the peak. The author selected 18 scientific articles that identified the peak of performance. After this selection of articles, the systematic review used the scale by Galna et al. to establish the quality of the studies. The results established the data according to the type of periodization: traditional periodization (TP) with 14.1±4.8 weeks of training until the 1st peak of performance and 6±4.8 weeks of duration of the 1st peak, TP with 6.5±4.7 weeks of training until the 2nd peak of performance and 5.07±4.28 weeks of duration of the 2nd peak, ATR block with 7±4.2 weeks of training to peak of performance and 2 weeks of duration of peak, Bompa periodization with 18±2.82 weeks of training until the peak of performance and the peak time was not measured, block periodization (BP) with 12.7±5.8 weeks of training until the 1st lasting training posterior effect (LTPE) and 9.5±4.9 weeks of duration of the 1st LTPE, BP with 4 to 16 weeks of training until the 2nd LTPE and 1 to 6 weeks of duration of the 2nd LTPE. In conclusion, peak periodization of performance was developed for individual modalities, but depending on the competition for team sports, this type of conception can be used.
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