Gamification to Improve Writing Skills in Students of 9th Basic Education


The development of effective writing skills has long been a challenging endeavor, and educators and learners alike are constantly seeking innovative methods to improve writing proficiency. Gamification, the application of game elements and principles to non-game contexts, has emerged as a promising approach to address this educational challenge. The objective aids to explore the use of gamification in the context of enhancing writing skills, contributing to the language improvement and encouraging outcomes. Gamification in writing education leverages the inherent motivation that games offer, such as engagement, competition, and rewards, to create an enjoyable and effective learning experience. Through the incorporation of gamified elements, including points, badges, leaderboards, and narrative-driven challenges, students are encouraged to become more proactive and persistent in their writing practice. Furthermore, it addresses the impact of gamification on motivation, self-efficacy, and collaborative learning, providing insights into the potential benefits for learners. In conclusion, gamification presents a promising way to enrich writing education by making the learning process engaging, motivating, and enjoyable. Through a well-designed gamified approach, educators and learners can tap into the full potential of gamification to improve writing skills and foster a lifelong love for writing.

Keywords: English language, Writing, Gamification


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How to Cite
Morales Mantilla, G. P., & Silva Herrera, R. M. (2024). Gamification to Improve Writing Skills in Students of 9th Basic Education. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 29(312), 84-95.
Research Articles