Baseball 5 as an Alternative for Adaptation and Sports Training
This research arises from direct observations made during the achievement of the Third Cuban National Championship in 2022. Its objective is to carry out an analysis of the statistical results obtained as an alternative for adaptation and sports training of Baseball 5. This in turn allows us to contribute to expanding knowledge about this new baseball discipline and its way of playing technically and tactically, guiding and preparing the beginner at the highest competitive level. The research also shows the statistical data as a basis for training of six teams participating in the adaptation and training discipline, which influenced its final result. At the same time, the research approaches an update of Baseball 5 and its adaptation to the fast precision game, which was very little addressed by the educational community in the methodological context, training sports and in Physical Education. Thus, it contributes to the teaching-learning process by favoring the adaptation, familiarization and improvement of the technical foundation, later in stages to the tactics, basic rules and other elements for its popularization. For this study, theoretical methods such as analysis-synthesis and induction-deduction were used, as well as other empirical methods such as participant observation and review of documents related to the competition, and percentage calculation for processing the selected data. These methods give greater reliability to the research process and provide additional motivation for future research in this new sport with limited bibliographical material.
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