The History of Paddle Tennis: from the Courtyards of Mexico to a World Sensation

  • Pedro Claro Independiente


Paddle tennis is a racket sport that combines elements of tennis and squash. It was created in Mexico in the 1960s. From the following decade it arrived in Spain where it became popular after the construction of fields throughout the country and the rise of local and international competitions. It also spread throughout Latin American countries and currently has an international circuit in which the best players in the world participate. It is also a sport in which people of all ages participate recreationally, which is a key factor in its continued growth.

Keywords: Paddle tennis, History, Sport


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Peris Delcampo, D. (2021). Intervención psicológica en un jugador de pádel competitivo: un estudio de caso. Revista de Psicología Aplicada al Deporte y al Ejercicio Físico, 6(1), 1-9.

Rodríguez Cayetano, A., Aliseda García, V., Morales Campo, P.T., y Pérez Muñoz, S. (2023). ¿ Por qué el pádel es tan popular?: análisis de los motivos de participación y nivel de satisfacción intrínseca. Padel Sci. J., 1(2).

How to Cite
Claro, P. (2023). The History of Paddle Tennis: from the Courtyards of Mexico to a World Sensation. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 28(304), 224-228. Retrieved from