Effects of Physical Exercise, Respiratory Therapy and Hyperbaric Chamber in Post-COVID-19. A Pilot Study


The objective of this study was to determine the effects of a physical exercise plan (aerobic and anaerobic), respiratory therapy, and a hyperbaric chamber to improve the physical-respiratory and psychological condition of a 39-year-old surviving patient with post-COVID sequelae. 19 of the Honduran Institute of Social Security Comayagüela (Francisco Morazán, Honduras). The research is based on a clinical diagnosis of a surviving case study with post-COVID-19 sequelae. In which evidence is shown from the anamnesis with information from the patient's records and the quantitative analysis of indicators product of laboratory tests and diagnostic measurements of physical-functional performance to determine the level of aerobic resistance, cognitive function and quality of life. The results show significant improvements in the variables quality of life (physical role >55 points, role limitations due to physical health with >75 points, quality of sleep there was an improvement of 9 points) and lung function. It can be concluded that the application of a physical exercise plan together with respiratory therapy and sessions in a hyperbaric chamber improved the physical-respiratory state of the 39-year-old surviving participant with post-COVID-19 sequelae from the Honduran Institute of Social Security Comayagüela M.D.C. year 2021.

Keywords: Physical exercice, Therapeutic physical culture, Physical-functional performance, Cognitive function, Quality of life, COVID-19


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How to Cite
Figueroa Soriano, R. O., Martínez Saravia, N., Gaitán Amador, R. A., Lanza Reyes, Y. J., & Chacón Sevilla, A. (2023). Effects of Physical Exercise, Respiratory Therapy and Hyperbaric Chamber in Post-COVID-19. A Pilot Study. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 28(305), 201-215. https://doi.org/10.46642/efd.v28i305.7157
Case Study (Clinical)