Interventions to Stimulate Child Motor Development in the School Context. A Systematic Review
Introduction: Movement is a fundamental task for the physical, mental and emotional adaptation of an individual. In childhood, it is necessary to provide the child with experiences in which he develops his motor skills and body control to face the most diverse situations. A favorable environment for this development is the school. Objective: To analyze the scientific production of the last 5 years on interventions for motor stimulation of children with typical development in the school context. The studies involved analysis in four databases: MEDLINE/Pubmed, Scopus, Web de Ciências and VHL. After the selection process, 12 articles that presented the central theme of the study were chosen. Results: (1) the most used test was TGMD-2; (2) the average duration of interventions was 15 weeks; (3) most studies carried out activities to develop fundamental motor skills; (4) most studies demonstrated significantly positive effects after the intervention; (5) some limitations such as: most studies did not perform tests after a period of closure of interventions, measuring their long-term effectiveness. Conclusions: In general terms, interventions to stimulate the motor development of typical children led to significant improvements, mainly in relation to fundamental motor skills, however, they are little studied. Due to the low number of studies performed and the variation in the conduct of interventions, more studies are needed.
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