Comparison of Work Habits Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic


Work activities have an influence on behavioral and postural habits, as well as on individuals' practice of physical activity. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed routines and lifestyles of the population. This study aimed to compare lifestyle habits related to work activities before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. The sample consisted of 50 individuals in the Pre-Pandemic Group (PPG) and 50 in the Pandemic Group (PG) who completed the BackPEI-A questionnaire. The following questions were analyzed: sitting posture at the table, sitting posture in the chair, posture when using the computer, sleeping posture, time using the computer, sleeping time, habit of studying in bed, practice and frequency of physical exercises. The comparison between groups was performed using the Fisher's exact, Chi-square, Mann-Whitney and Student's t tests. There was an increase in the PG in the adoption of inappropriate posture when sitting in a chair, using the computer and sleeping; and increase in computer use time, sleep time and habit of studying in bed. Besides, there was a small increase in the number of people who practiced physical exercises in the PG. It is concluded that the COVID-19 pandemic had a negative impact on some lifestyle habits related to the work activities of individuals, when comparing the PPG and PG groups.

Keywords: COVID-19, Habits, Posture, Physical exercice


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Author Biographies

Marina Ziegler Frantz,

Betiane Moreira Pilling,

Cláudia Tarragô Candotti,

Ingrid Claudia Pereira dos Santos,

Paula Andryelly Gomes Giendruczak,

How to Cite
Frantz, M. Z., Pilling, B. M., Candotti, C. T., Santos, I. C. P. dos, & Giendruczak, P. A. G. (2023). Comparison of Work Habits Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 28(305), 62-73.
Research Articles