Sportics and classification of sport and physical activities

  • Juan Pedro Ribas University of Wales (United Kingdom). EADE-Málaga (España)


In the field of professional and researchers of sports and physical activities, a classification is useful for organising, planning and carrying out programmes and tasks for practice and research. The goal of this writing is to elaborate specific classifications of physical activities and sports in accordance with the similarities and differences found in the actions-signification process. From the point of view of Sportics, the aim of the activity is identified as the indispensable internal criteria that triggers and identify all the physical and sports activities; it also triggers actions and signs that participants do. Together with other 2 criteria (dynamic uncertainty and external objectives), and using a comparative and qualitative methodology, we analyze the contents of 10 different general categories of physical activities/sports (traditional game, sport, body expression, etc.). Groupings by coincidences or differences create new categories that are more specific: stable activities, improvised games, exercises toproduce changes, activities to express, activities with or without action-meaning limitations, games without consequences, etc. Thus, when focusing on the contents (actions-signification process), the format of the practice (sport, traditional game, invented game, etc.) becomes secondary.

Keywords: Sportics, Classification, Sport, Physical activity, Action
How to Cite
Ribas, J. P. (2018). Sportics and classification of sport and physical activities. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 23(246), 123-139. Retrieved from
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