Lewis Hamilton versus Max Verstappen, the Great White Hope
This text proposes to contextualize and analyze, through the theoretical approach of Discourse Analysis, the 2021 formula 1 season and its protagonists, the Englishman Lewis Hamilton and the Dutchman Max Verstappen. In this theoretical perspective, which has the discourse as its object, some comments made by the participants of the Autoracing automotive website about F1 are mainly analyzed, as well as some other automotive media that we follow during the 2021 championship. This analysis involves the pilot Lewis Hamilton and racist speeches and others that try to belittle their deeds. An analogy is also made with the film “The Great White Hope” by director Martin Ritt, released in 1970, which inspired us to choose the title of this text. Therefore, discourse analysis seeks to establish a relationship between linguistics, history and the ideology contained in the discourse. In this sense, this theoretical tool is approached with the objective of analyzing the language and its social, semantic aspects and the current moment of formula 1, having as main focus the first black-skinned pilot of the category and the ideology of the discourse contained in the speeches about this pilot.
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