Therapeutic Actions to promote the Quality of Life of the Asthmatic Older Adult
A Study in the Municipality of Palma Soriano, Santiago de Cuba
Introduction: The protection of the elderly and the combined health-sport actions constitute priorities of the Cuban state at present to increase their quality of life. Asthma can lead these people to reduce their level of physical activity, due to difficulties in performing daily tasks. Objective: To apply therapeutic actions to promote the quality of life of the elderly asthmatic. Methods: Research based on the qualitative approach using the survey and documentary analysis as tools, experimented with a sample of 53 elderly women, who met the criteria of inclusion: disease, quality of life, self-esteem and lifestyles. The applied research with a first descriptive-evaluative stage and design of therapeutic actions and a second stage of interventions, where the level of physical activity was measured by means of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire with the evaluation of the results, carried out in the community area of circumscription #21 of the "Victoria de Girón" Popular Council, Palma Soriano municipality, Santiago de Cuba province, during the period September 2021 to July 2022. Results: The proposed therapeutic actions were of great affinity and interest, with a level of physical activity similar to that of non-asthmatics and with a lower cardiorespiratory fitness than that of healthy adults. Conclusions. It was confirmed that the therapeutic actions adapted to the elderly created a high motivation and better correspondence between the proposed objectives and the methods used to work with asthmatic patients.
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