The Promotion of Urban Cycling as a Prevention Measure for Sedentary Behaviors
A minimum amount of weekly physical activity is advised by the World Health Organization in able to produce significant effects on people's health. Aside from running, weightlifting, and soccer, cycling ranks as the fourth most popular form of physical activity in Brazil. However, during the past decade, the number of cyclists has increased at the highest rate. At the same time as cycling's prominence in urban mobility processes is growing, there hasn't been much progress in advancing the use of bicycles as a more secure, effective, and comfortable physical activity promotion tool among the public. This academic project aims to show the value of some actions that influence people's decisions about whether to use bicycles for transportation or leisure activities, as well as to advance urban planners' and mobility experts' efforts toward the creation of programs that encourage people to ride their bicycles in order to be physically more active, have better health, and live longer.
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