Physiotherapeutic Techniques in Cervical and Thoracic Spinal Cord Trauma: A Case Study
Introduction: Spinal cord trauma (SCT) consists of structural damage to the spinal cord that causes temporary or permanent alterations in motor function, sensitivity or autonomic function. The rehabilitation process of the affected individual aims at their reintegration into society and involves the work of a multidisciplinary team, with the physiotherapist being a fundamental part. Objective: To report the rapid evolution of a patient affected by upper cervical and thoracic SCT, with emphasis on the contribution of physiotherapeutic techniques to this rehabilitation. Methodology and case report: Observational, descriptive study with retrospective analysis of clinical, laboratory and imaging data present in the medical record of a male patient, 47 years old, victim of a motorcycle accident, affected by spinal cord trauma with cervical and thoracic injuries high, at the level of C1, C3, C4, C5, C6, T1 and T2. Result and discussion: Out-of-hospital rehabilitation performed in 29 physiotherapy appointments using manual techniques, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, passive and free active exercises and breathing techniques. Presentation of a relatively mild picture of sequelae and rapid evolution of the case, contrary to the perspective described in the scientific literature. Conclusion: As spinal cord injury brings with it many repercussions on the patient's life, physical therapy treatment should occur as early as possible in order to provide the acquisition of motor and sensory performance. The use of different therapeutic resources for the recovery of neurological and muscular functions contribute to the patient's autonomy and to the development of their activities of daily living.
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