Experiences of the Multidisciplinary Team with the Implementation of Advanced Access in Primary Health Care
Primary Health Care (PHC) is a strategy to guide the organization of the health system. In this sense, developed countries have reorganized access to PHC through the use of the Advanced Access (AA) model. This protocol sought to identify and synthesize the best available evidence on the experiences of the multidisciplinary team with the process of implementing the advanced access model in PHC. This is a qualitative systematic review protocol based on the Joana Brigs Institute guidelines for systematic reviews of qualitative evidence and using the JBI critical review checklist for qualitative research. The search strategy will aim to locate published and gray literature. These will be grouped into categories and synthesized using JBI SUMARI® through the meta-aggregation approach. These results will then be subjected to synthesis to produce a single, comprehensive and non-redundant set of findings that provides a basis for evidence-based practice.
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