Game Patterns in the Offensive System: Characteristics of Brazilian Superliga Volleyball Players
The aim of the present study was to identify patterns of offensive play in men's volleyball by team, after performing the reception that allows the organized attack with all attack options, since it is in this condition that there is a greater opportunity for variability for the offensive construction. The sample consisted of 22 games from each of the 12 teams participating in the 2021-2022 Brazilian Men's Volleyball Super League, with 5524 attack actions being analyzed after the receptions that allowed the organized attack with all the options. The results showed that the teams presented offensive game patterns according to the characteristics of the players that made up the attack network and that the distribution, in general analysis, was concentrated in the P3 zone, indicating that the offensive strategy was based on the middle-blocker and little has changed in relation to the stage of the set. From this, it was concluded that there are idiosyncrasies that specify the performance of high-level volleyball teams.
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