3x3 Basketball: Analysis and Understanding from the Perspective of Athletes
This study, seeks to determine the profile of 3x3 Basketball players, their knowledge, perspectives, and feelings regarding this sport. This is exploratory research, carried out through the application of questionnaires composed of open and closed questions, with the participation of seven 3x3 Basketball players with an average age of 29.1±5.7 years, residing in different regions of Brazil. Among other results, the study indicates that 3x3 Basketball lacks support in Brazil, that coach-athletes are not always recognized as coaches by teammates, and that the practice is motivated by extrinsic and intrinsic factors that vary over time. This study showed that it is relevant to listen to 3x3 Basketball practitioners for a better understanding of this sport and consequently, to think about a teaching, experience, and learning process that contributes to a broad and critical formation through this sport. As well as, so that, through the demands and aspirations of practitioners, public managers, and sports institutions propose effective actions, in the sense of democratizing the practice and valuing its practitioners.
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