Flexibility of Elderly Women Attending a Reference Center in the North of Brazil
Introduction: The global growth of the elderly population is evident, especially in Brazil, an underdeveloped country that classifies as elderly, individuals over sixty years old. One of the results of aging is the significant decrease in joint mobility, which is considered fundamental during aging, for being in charge of the range of movement and allowing the performance of daily activities with greater stability and safety, thus reducing some factors that compromise the quality of life and autonomy of the elderly. Objective: To analyze the levels of joint mobility of elderly women who attend the Reference Center for Social Assistance in Boa Vista-RR. Methods: The sample was composed by 30 women, with mean age of 70.87±6.48 years, practicing some kind of regular physical activity for at least three months in a non-systematic way. The evaluation protocols used were: joint mobility, by goniometry using the LABIFIE protocol and the GDLAM standard of movement angles. Results: There is a prevalence of low joint mobility, with the following averages: shoulder abduction (AO) 154.80, shoulder flexion (FO) 159.27, lumbar spine flexion (FCL) 18.36, hip flexion (FQ) 69.64 and hip extension (EQ) 14.57 classified as weak, and horizontal shoulder extension (EHO) 35.80 classified as regular. Conclusion: The elderly women participating in the research showed low values related to flexibility, since they participate in a social assistance program it is necessary that the mentors begin to work activities that develop.
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