Perceived Capacity for Suffering and Enjoyment in Marathon Runners
The aim of this research was to find out the relationship between the perception of suffering capacity and enjoyment in marathon runners, as well as the relationship with other psychological variables such as focus, motivation, perfectionism and satisfaction. For this purpose, 76 runners participating in the XXXVII edition of the Seville Marathon in 2022 (65 men and 11 women; mean age M=45; SD=9. 03), completed the physical activity enjoyment scale (PACES), the multidimensional perfectionism in competitive sport inventory (MIPS), the perception of success questionnaire (POSQ), the motivation scale for marathon runners (MOMS-34) and the questionnaire on the perception of suffering capacity in runners, in addition to the ad-hoc questionnaires on satisfaction with performance-result and enjoyment-worry in races; and the ad-hoc questionnaire on competitiveness in group training. Runner data were also recorded. Descriptive, comparative, correlational and discriminant analyses were performed. The results showed that inexperienced athletes and those with sub-2:30 hours performances reported a higher perceived ability to suffer. In addition, it was found that a higher number of training days was positively correlated with a higher perceived capacity for suffering (p<.05). Finally, the satisfaction-performance factor was found to be positively correlated with perceived greater capacity for suffering (p<.001).
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