Design Thinking in the Construction of the Interface for the Assessment of Mental Health in Health Workers
Introduction: Depression can be triggered by biological, psychosocial and environmental factors, including risk factors in the work environment. Objective: To describe the interface of a software to identify factors associated with depression and anxiety in health workers at a hospital. Method: Technological study, characterized as methodological research of the applied type, using Design Thinking and the development of interfaces on the Kodular platform. They were prepared containing the Hamilton-HamD anxiety scale, the variables: sex, age, type of bond, marital status, income, existence of comorbidity, lifestyle, blood pressure changes, weight, height, use of medication and journey of I work. Results: The built interfaces will support the creation of the application, which will be tested on workers at a teaching hospital. It is necessary to develop and apply the prototype in order to know which are the predictors of pressure and anxiety in a group of workers. Conclusion: This application was conceived as a mental health care strategy for health workers, considering the factors to which they are exposed in their work activities. However, applications in general have some limitations regarding their functionality, effectiveness and reliability. It should be noted that they can favor clinical decision-making and monitoring of the health conditions of the population involved. Artificial intelligence has been used in medicine from the construction of equipment to the integration with a focus on cyber-physical systems in health, targeting structural or policy-related changes that may affect the adoption, value and improvement of care.
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